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29th October 2024


A Chamonix-based NGO dedicated to providing medical equipment to hospitals in developing countries, with a sustainable approach.


Founded in Les Houches in 1999, Humatem specializes in biomedical cooperation. Very complementary to medical cooperation, but less well known to the general public, it deals with the acquisition, management and maintenance of medical equipment. Biomedical cooperation aims to support actions that will enable medical staff to diagnose, treat or operate safely, by ensuring access to equipment that is adapted, functional and will remain so. Humatem has been collaborating on this topic with the World Health Organization as an NGO in official relations with the WHO since 2015.

Each year, Humatem supports on average 50 health facilities across 15 different countries in Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe and South-East Asia, 1500 devices are collected and prepared for re-use to equip hospitals and healthcare centers, 10 training and technical support missions in the field.


A BANK OF MEDICAL DEVICES DONATIONS and a RESOURCE CENTER to support medical equipment donations’ projects

To improve the efficiency of medical equipment donations to developing countries or countries in crisis, we provide tools and advice, to solidarity players from a methodological and technical point of view, on the one hand. On the other, we collect, test and prepare for re-use medical equipment that is donated by French healthcare facilities, to make it available to solidarity projects holders and give it a second a second life in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Contributing to the development of local biomedical skills through EXPERTISE and TRAINING

The healthcare professionals in charge of managing and maintaining medical equipment are called biomedical technicians and engineers. There are still too scarce within the health facilities of the global South. As part of our Expertise and Training field actions, we carry out technical training sessions, infrastructure diagnostics, equipment installation, as well as consultancy missions. At the same time, we develop and make available in our Resource Center many tools suited to the working context of biomedical professionals in developing countries, in particular maintenance video tutorials available on our Youtube channel.

RAISING AWARENESS among healthcare decision-makers in the South and ADVOCATING for the structuring of the biomedical sector in developing countries

Healthcare decision-makers in the global South are not always aware of the positive impact on the quality of care that investing in regular preventive maintenance can have, or of the savings that it generates in the long term. To raise awareness on these subjects, Humatem takes part in the organization of conferences and speaks at international congresses.

Bank of medical devices donations, Resource center, Expertise and Capacity building, Dialogue and Advocacy: to carry out all its activities, Humatem relies on a team of 4 staff trained in biomedical engineering and project management. This permanent team is supported by volunteers, interns and civic service volunteers.

Like Joe and Dan, Charity bib runners on the 2024 UTMB race : support Humatem !

I was delighted to support your association, which helps provide the technical equipment needed to treat people who have no access to healthcare.


I chose Humatem as I hate waste. The idea of using good equipment where it is really needed is excellent. I feel the imbalance of wealth and services in the world is very unfair.


Contact us or come and meet us

In our workshop-warehouse in Sallanches !

More information on Humatem :

Contact :

  • Mail :
  • Phone : +33 (0)4 50 54 68 83
  • ONG Humatem 744 avenue de Saint Martin 74700 Sallanches France
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