Plan International France is an independent international solidarity organisation, member of the Plan International network, which works to advance children's rights and equality between girls and boys.
Active since 1993, the NGO Plan International France is the reference actor in the fight for equality between girls and boys through education.
Children's rights, particularly those of girls, and gender equality are at the heart of our development and humanitarian programmes, our awareness-raising campaigns and our advocacy with policy makers. We work to ensure the active participation of children and young people in decisions that affect them in order to contribute to a more just world where the rights of all children are respected and fulfilled.
Plan International France implements development and emergency programmes in more than 10 countries to fight for children's rights and equality between girls and boys. In 2021, 709,080 children and young people benefited from our NGO's projects in the field.
More than children's rights, Plan International France has been a forerunner in the fight for the recognition of girls' rights. Years of advocacy with decision-makers led to the creation of the International Day for Girls' Rights, which now takes place every 11 October.
Today, the recognition of girls' rights and their emancipation remain at the heart of our actions!
Discover our moral activity report for 2021.
Because sport is a lever of emancipation for children, 14 runners have combined sporting performance and commitment by wearing the colours of the NGO Plan International France during the 19th edition of the UTMB, from 24 to 28 August 2022.
The funds raised will allow us to finance our development programmes and to continue to advance the rights of children throughout the world.
A huge thank you to Anthony, Christoph, Christoph, Daniel, Elise, Erwan, Fidel, Grégory, Jan,Jean-Marc, Kazuya, Peter, Stéphanie and Thibaut, for their commitment to girls' rights and for their outstanding performance in this event!
For more information, please visit our website.
With your commitment, you will help finance our priority development projects for education and vocational training. These projects are financed through our priority fund by donations from individuals and grants from public donors and private partners.
The Champions program developed since 2020 in Guinea, Togo and Benin is a perfect example:
To fight against gender discrimination and support girls in their emancipation, Plan International France is developing this program in collaboration with its local partners, AFD and FIFA to change the fate of 5,390 children.
As with each edition of the UTMB® since 2017, Plan International teams are touched by the courage and solidarity of the runners who have chosen to support our actions. We wish them well as they prepare for their future exploits.
Run for Plan International, support children's rights!
Plan International was founded more than 85 years ago with a mission to defend and protect the rights of children, especially girls. Today, Plan International is present in over 75 countries to advance children's rights and gender equality.
To learn more about the history of Plan International click here.
Sabrina Weber-Gloaguen
+33 (0)6 60 67 18 88
Your donations are tax deductible: If you are an individual, you benefit from a tax reduction equal to 66% of your donation up to a limit of 20% of your taxable income. If your donations in a given year exceed this limit, you can carry the excess over to the next 5 years. If you are a company, you will benefit from a reduction of your corporate tax or your income tax equal to 60% of your donation within the limit of 4% of your turnover.