Wearing a Frères des Hommes charity bib means supporting the most vulnerable populations towards their emancipation, thanks to technical and civic training.
Founded in 1965, Frères des Hommes is a secular and non-political international solidarity association. The specificity of the projects we carry out with our partner organisations is to support the training of populations in vulnerable situations to enable them to become economically and socially independent, and then to act collectively and in solidarity with the aim of transforming society.
Today Frères des Hommes is developing projects in 6 countries (Haiti, Rwanda, Senegal, Peru, Democratic Republic of Congo and India) in collaboration with 8 local partners. The populations we support are diverse: farmers' groups in Haiti and Rwanda, women in Peru and the RoC, workers in the informal sector in India, young apprentices in Senegal.
All our projects are built with our partner organisations, from civil society, which then implement them on the field. They are made thanks to the generosity of donors and the financial support of public organisations or foundations.
The partnership set up with UTMB since 2012 and the mobilisation of chartity bibs have already contributed to the implementation of numerous activities for the benefit of the populations we support.
Runner contact Stephanie DROUHIN Frères des Hommes tél : +33 (0)1 55 42 62 63
To know everything about Frères des Hommes :
After receiving your donation, we will send you a tax receipt allowing you to deduct 66% of your donation from your tax, up to a maximum of 20% of your income.