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UTMB Group organizes the HOKA UTMB® Mont-Blanc in collaboration with the Trailers du Mont Blanc association and the support of the municipalities of Chamonix, Les Houches, Saint-Gervais, Les Contamines, Hauteluce, Beaufort, Bourg-Saint-Maurice, Seez, La Thuile, Pré Saint-Didier, Courmayeur, Morgex, Orsières (La Fouly, Champex-Lac), Trient et Vallorcine.


Participating in the UTMB® Mont-Blanc events implies full and unreserved acceptance of the regulations presented hereinafter, the ethics of the event and any instructions addressed by the organizer to the participants.


The YCC (Youth Chamonix Courmayeur) is organized in collaboration with the UCPA and the municipality of Courmayeur.

It is open to young runners born between 2001 and 2009 (minimes, cadets, junior and espoirs categories):

  1. The race : a race in total autonomy, starting from Courmayeur: Minimes (born in 2008 or 2009): 5 km-effort* Cadets (born in 2006 or 2007): 15 km-effort* Juniors (born in 2004 or 2005) and Espoirs (born in 2001, 2002 or 2003): 25 km-effort*.

  2. Short and innovative race on Wednesday in Chamonix. For this second run, participants shall start in reversed order of the times achieved in the previous day's race, which means that the slowest runners will be given a head start with the fastest runners starting last. You don't want to miss the show!

*Kilometre-effort: for any gain of 100m in elevation, one kilometre is added to the distance of the route.

To validate their registration, runners must:

  1. Provide a specific medical certificate*. It must be uploaded to their runner's account before May 31st 2023 (the organization does not accept any medical certificates sent by email or mail). If no medical certificate is received by this date, the registration will be cancelled without refund. Warning: as per the FFA regulations, all medical certificates must be provided in French. We strongly advise you to use our official medical certificate template (already including the translation). Any untranslated certificate will be refused.

*at the end of the registration procedure, each runner will receive a confirmation email withthe official medical certificate form attached.

  1. Before August 15th, 2023, complete all the additional actions required to finalize the registration (declaration onhonor, decide where to collect their race bib, shuttle booking, t-shirt size, telephone number, etc.) via an online form available on their runner’s account.

  2. Runners born in 2005 or later, minors at the date of the event, will have to provide parental authorization.

No bib will be issued in the absence of the medical certificate and if all the additional actions required to finalize the registration have not been completed.


It is only possible to register on our website and via secure payment by credit card.


YCC Juniors / Espoirs : 45€

YCC Cadets : 35€

YCC Minimes : 30€

The fee covers all the services as per the current regulations. It does not include, however, 8% bank charges to be paid at the time of registration.

Registration is personal and final. It will not be refunded for any reason whatsoever, unless otherwise provided for in these rules. It is not permitted to transfer the entry to another race or to another person for any reason whatsoever.



Each participant of the YCC makes a commitment to have in their possession, throughout the entire route of the trail-run, the obligatory equipment listed below. This equipment is the minimum which each trail-runner must have the habit of taking with them for this type of race. In relation to the weather conditions, their own capacity and the specificities of the race, the participant must complement their obligatory material for their own safety and to have a good race. The obligatory material may be controlled at any time during the race, the participant being responsible for their own material. If anything is lacking, penalties will be imposed.

YCC mandatory equipment checklist

Basic kit

  • Smartphone with LiveRun application installed and activated with international roaming allowing for its use in the three countries. The runner must be reachable at any time before, during and after the race : Keep the phone on, airplane mode is forbidden and could give rise to penalties. An external battery is highly recommended.
  • Personal beaker 15 cl minimum (bottles or flasks with lids are not accepted)
  • Stock of water minimum ½ liter
  • Survival blanket 1.40m x 2m minimum
  • Whistle

Very strongly recommended

  • Food reserve Recommendation: 800kcal (2 gels + 2 energizing bars each of 65gr)
  • GPS watch
  • At least 20€ cash (just in case...)

Cold weather kit (may be required by the organization, depending on weather conditions)

  • Jacket with hood for bad weather in the mountains. The jacket must be made with a waterproof* and breathable** membrane (eg. Outdry)

*minimum recommended 10 000 Schmerber **RET recommended inferior to 13 - the jacket must, imperatively, have an integrated hood or one which is attached to the jacket by the original system designed for that purpose by the manufacturer. - the seams must be sealed. - the jacket must not have sections of fabric which are not waterproof, but air vents fitted by the manufacturer (under-arm, in the back) -since they do not damage in any obvious way the impermeability- are accepted. The runner must judge whether, according to the beforementioned criteria, the jacket complies with the regulations and therefore is suitable for bad weather in the mountains. However, during a check, the race director’s opinion on the matter shall prevail.

  • Long-legged trousers or race leggings OR a combination of legging and socks which cover the legs completely
  • Warm and water-proof gloves
  • Recommendation: 3rd warm layer (intermediary layer between the 2nd layer and the waterproof jacket)

Hot weather kit (may be required by the organization, depending on weather conditions)

  • Sunglasses
  • Cap or hat
  • ½ liter of additional water

Walking poles are authorized throughout the race. If the participant chooses to start the race with poles, they must be kept with them for the duration of the race. It is however, forbidden to start the race without them and get them later.


Civil liability

The organization takes out a third party insurance for the duration of the event. This civil liability insurance guarantees the financial consequences of its liability, that of its employees and that of the participants.

Individual accident

Each participant must have an insurance which covers the cost of search and rescue and evacuation in France, Italy and Switzerland. Such insurance can be taken out with any organization of the runner's choice- e.g. the Fédération Française d'Athlétisme via the subscription to a 'Pass’Running, Pass J’aime Courir' - or a license.

UTMB Group has set up, with Assurinco, a repatriation insurance to help you in your practice of Trail Running but not only.

For 49€ / year, you can subscribe to an insurance that guarantees you a worldwide coverage for your rescue, repatriation and medical care expenses (including helicopter rescue) in the context of your trail running practice whether it is for training, competitions or even for your reconnaissance outings.

The following disciplines are also covered: hiking, trekking, cycling and mountain biking, crosscountry skiing and snowshoeing. You are also covered if you are a professional.

This insurance is mandatory on the UTMB® Mont-Blanc and the UTMB® World Series and is valid for 1 year.

Click HERE for the general conditions.

NB: you pay for your own helicopter evacuation. The choice of evacuation method depends on the organization, who will put the runner's security first.


It is imperative that you follow the paths with the markers without taking short cuts. In effect, short cutting the paths leads to erosion which damages the site.


Every competitor expressly foregoes the right for any images during the event, just as they renounce any right of appeal to the organizers and their partners for the use of their image. Only the organization can transfer this right for images to any media, via an accreditation or relevant license.


Competitors who are sponsored may only have the sponsor's logos on their clothing or equipment used during the race. All other publicity accessories (flags, banners) are forbidden at all points of the race including at the finish, at the risk of penalties imposed by the jury.


According to the French Data Protection Act of August 6th 1978, and in accordance with the new General Data Protection Regulations (EU RGPD 2016/679), any competitor has the right to access and amend every information concerning them.

The information is collected as part of a registration for one of the UTMB® Mont-Blanc races, for the needs of the organization and in particular to identify each competitor in order to communicate them information related to his/her participation before, during or after the event.

The runner's data is kept in the database for 10 years. This period is renewable at each registration and corresponds to the legal data retention period of the medical and non-contraindication to the practice of athletics or running in competition certificate, or the sports card. After 10 years, and unless the runner authorizes the organization to keep their data, all data are deleted except the runner's surname, first name, date of birth, gender and nationality to maintain the rankings.

Any runner can access their personal data on their runner’s account which isavailable at the following link:

Any request for data modification can be made:

  1. By mail to the following address: DPO UTMB UTMB Group 31 rue du Lyret 74400 Chamonix

  2. By email to the following address:

Any request for access or modification of personal data will be processed as soon as possible after receipt of the request, within a maximum period of 1 month.



Every bib is individually handed to each runner on production of:

  • a photographic identity,
  • your race pack and all your mandatory equipment

The race bib must be worn on the chest or the stomach and must be permanently and fully visible throughout the entire race. It must, therefore, always be positioned over any clothing and cannot for any reason be fixed onto the back or a leg. The name and logo of the sponsors must neither be modified, nor hidden. The race number is the pass necessary to get to the shuttles, buses, refreshment posts, nurses, rest areas, showers, areas for depositing or recuperating spares bags…Except in the case of refusal to comply with a decision taken by a race official, the race bib is never withdrawn, but in the case of retirement, it is deactivated.


The YCC is to be run in autonomy. Drinks will be available at the La Suche check point.


Each runner is equipped with 2 electronic chips: 2 fixed to the race-bib. Runners who are not in permanent possession of their chips will be penalized.

Checks (controls) will be carried out during the event to ensure that that the participants are followed and to ensure the regularity of the race. Participants must, obligatorily, pass these check points and present themselves (race-bib visible) to the controllers and follow their instructions.

The first automatic control is made when crossing the starting line.

To avoid all unnecessary searching, all participants are obliged to notify their abandonment as soon as possible, at a control post or by telephone to the race HQ (PC course). Following their abandonment, each runner whose state of health does not require an evacuation, must return as fast as possible, by their own means, to the finishing area.


All accompanying and assistance is strictly forbidden along the route of the YCC.


The maximum time for the event, for the totality of the course, is fixed at:

  • Trail-run : 4 hours

The cut-off times for leaving the main check point will be marked in the course guide.


First aid posts are positioned at different points throughout the course. These posts are in radio or telephone liaison with Race Control. A medical control team is present during the entire duration of the events at the Chamonix Race Control. The rescue posts are aimed at bringing help to any person in danger with the means particular to the organization or registered. If it appears that a runner is in difficulty or seriously injured to call for assistance :

  • go in person to a first aid point
  • telephone the course controller
  • ask another runner to alert the first aiders

It is essential that each runner helps anybody in danger and alerts the first aid point. Do not forgot, that due to the problems related to the environment and the type of event, one might have to wait for assistance for longer than anticipated. Your security, therefore, depends upon the quality of the materials that you have in your pack.


Runners may take a shower only at the end of the race. Runners need to show their race bib in order to enter the shower.


Each runner will receive a gift for participating in the race. For each race, a general male and female ranking and a ranking for each category will be given.

The first 3 men and the first 3 women of the general ranking, as well as the first 3 of each category, will receive a trophy and a gift.


Any breach of the current regulations will be the object of a penalty against the participant. If several breaches are noticed, the points will be accumulated. The participant will be notified by the jury of any penalty within a delay of 20 minutes of finishing their race. The event's final ranking will take into account the accumulation of the time taken for the race and any penalty points which are applied.

For the lack of each element of the obligatory material 10 minutes added to the race time
Depositing or collecting walking-poles during the race 5 minutes added to the race time
Impersonation or exchange name specific race-bib Disqualification and exclusion
Short-cutting the route Jury's decision
Refusal to take anti-doping control Control assumed to be positive
Non presentation at ,or lack of passing through, a control point Jury's decision
Not assisting somebody in difficulty (requiring care/assistance) Disqualification and exclusion
Support 15 minutes added to race time
Non compliance with the instructions given by persons in charge of the post Between 5 and 15 minutes added to the race time
Non respect for the current regulations not already cited above Jury's decision


Any complaint must be sent by email, within 10 days after the end of the event.


If necessary, the organization reserves the right to modify at any time the routes, starting times, cut-off times, the position of aid stations and medical stations, and any other aspect related to the smooth running of the events.

In case of force majeure, bad weather conditions or any other circumstance endangering the participants' safety, the organization reserves the right to:

  • Postpone the start of the race
  • modify the cut-off times
  • change the start date
  • adapt the race’s course
  • cancel the event
  • neutralize the event
  • stop the race in progress

If a race is cancelled or if the event needs to be organized differently (e.g. one or more races need to be cancelled), for any reason beyond the control of UTMB Group more than 60 days before the start, runners will be partially refunded the entry fees. The amount of the refund will be decided as to allow the organization to deal with the irremediable expenses incurred as of the date of the cancellation. Runners will be refunded as follows:

% refund
Until the end of April 60%
End of April - End of June 30%
End of June - August No refund

If a race is cancelled less than 60 days before the start or if a race in progress is interrupted, for any reason beyond the control of UTMB Group, entry fees will not be refunded.


Depending on how the health situation evolves, the organization may apply more stringent rules in order to respect the current sanitary regulations (social distancing, barrier gestures) such as:

  • Wearing masks and sanitize hands at each crowded point (race pack collection, start area, aid stations, finish area, drop off bags area, transport, post-race meals, etc.).
  • staggered starts (may result in significant changes to scheduled start times)
  • adapt or relocate some aid stations
  • no self-service at the aid stations (table service performed by staff members)
  • race bib delivery or adapted race bib collection
  • no assistance zones
  • limited number of spectators or no spectators at all
  • crowd flow control

The organization will implement these measures depending on the evolution of the situation and the regulations in France, Switzerland and Italy.


Refund without insurance

If the runner does not take out insurance, no refund will be possible.

Registration cancellation insurance

The purpose of this cancellation insurance is to allow the runner to be fully reimbursed for the registration fee if he/she wishes to cancel his/her registration fee if he/she wishes to cancel his/her registration for the reasons described in the general conditions of sale of the insurance, available below:

General terms and conditions of sale :

The price of the cancellation insurance is 20% of the registration fee.

Cancellation insurance must be taken out at the time of registration.


Any claim arising from the runner’s registration for one of the UTMB® races must be emailed at: or mailed to 31 rue du Lyret 74400 Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, France.

Any complaint that cannot be resolved within two (2) months of sending UTMB Group a registered letter may also be brought to the attention of UTMB Group's ombudsman, whose contact details are:

MCP Médiation 12 square Desnouettes 75015 PARIS

Any dispute concerning the registration (e.g., if a runner is not selected via the lottery) or relating to sporting management and rules (e.g. if a runner abandons a race) is not considered a valid reason for a claim.

The original version of this document (YCC regulations) is in French. In the event of inconsistency or discrepancy between the French version and any of the other linguistic versions of this regulations, the French version shall prevail.

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